Sunday 10 October 2010

Trip to China - Day 2

On the platform of Dongguan Station.
 Chia (interior designer) speaking to a supplier.
Inside Shenzhen Train Station.
 Chia, Ah Long & SL waiting for train back to Dongguan.
This morning we back tracked to Shenzhen where our friend (cum guide), Ah Long has arranged a meeting with a furniture supplier. The journey by high speed train (中国高速铁路) took 30 minutes and the ride was smooth and comfortable. The cabins are very clean as well. I'm very impressed with the efficiency of this train service. The train ride from Dongguan to Shenzhen costs RMB45.00 (B$9.00) per person. After our meeting we had lunch at a steamboat restaurant called "Little Sheep" which as the name suggested served steamboat with lamb flavored and spicy broth. They even sell the stock for the preparation of the lamb flavored broth where customers can purchase and prepare their own steamboat at home. 

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