Right after we had our H1N1 vaccinations yesterday, my colleagues suggested coffee break at Pizza Hut, Gadong. I don't have much preference for pizzas but since my colleagues like it, I just follow the crowd but I must say the interior decor at Pizza Hut is very tastefully decorated and cosy. I recently received a comment on my Facebook profile that I've become a "freelance reporter" and to set the records straight; I'm just a "freelance writer" writing down what is happening around me (and my life) and I don't go around "reporting" on everyday happenings in Brunei! I think there is a big difference between these two definitions and the latter suits me more! LOL....
Welcome to BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, the Abode of Peace, my home since 29th March 1981 (35 years ago!) and hence my blog's tagline, the "Accidental Brunei Resident".
This blog is meant for me to keep a record of all events, occasions, celebrations and (only) good memories that happened to (and around) me. You know, at my age, I tend to be very forgetful!
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