Tuesday, 20 October 2009

To Post or Not to Post?

Here is an interesting news article in yesterday's Straits Times on a fellow blogger who was threatened with a law suit for a "bad review" on some desserts she posted online concerning a pastry shop in Singapore (the latest news I read in the blogosphere was that the pastry shop had finally decided not to sue). According to lawyers interviewed; "criticism in an entry is allowed by law if it is based on fact and made without malice". If the food or service of a particular restaurant is not up to standard, I would not patronize it in the future but that doesn't mean others would not like it as well (one man's food is another man's poison). So, do we post a negative review (not that my opinion really matters) and break another man's rice bowl? Personally, I would rather not do it but if I do come across a good restaurant, I would certainly recommend it and blog about it!

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